Department of Industry

Ministry of Industry Commerce and Employment

Royal Government of Bhutan




Made in Bhutan
The Made in Bhutan mark represents vitality, purity and dignify-qualities highly suitable to represent Bhutanese-made products. It aims to encourage consumers to buy products that are of premium quality, sustainably, and happily made in Bhutan by reliable business partners. Products with the Made in Bhutan mark are crafted inspired by timeless traditions and truly originate from Bhutan.

Made in Bhutan Application Procedure
All individuals, companies and organisations having a license or registration in Bhutan to produce or trade non edible except drinking water can apply for MADE IN BHUTAN. Individuals, companies and organisations who want to use the mark have to complete the mark application form. Applicants are required to provide correct information according to their best knowledge and information. If an applicant wants to apply for different products, a separate questionnaire has to be filled for each product. The  application form has to be submitted to the BRAND BHUTAN Secretariat, which is managed by the Department of Trade. The application form has to be accompanied by a product sample. The product samples will be returned to the applicant after the assessment is completed.